Academic Integrity Committee Hearing Procedures

  1. Students charged with an academic violation have the following rights that are protected throughout the hearing process:
    a. To be notified in writing of the charges against them
    b. To be notified of the date, time, and location of the hearing at least five (5) days prior to the hearing
    c. To review, upon request, all evidence that will be used at the hearing
    d. To question witnesses
    e. To refuse to answer any questions or make a statement. The Academic Integrity Committee will make its decision solely based on evidence presented at the hearing.
    f. To be accompanied by an advisor during the hearing. However, the advisor is not permitted to speak for the student or participate directly in the hearing. Advisors from outside the Newberry College community, including attorneys, are not permitted to participate in the process.
  2. The chair of the Academic Integrity Committee will set a date and location for the hearing and notify the charged student, the committee members, and relevant witnesses and participants.
  3. A quorum of four (4) Committee members will be present at the hearing.
  4. The charged student is responsible for presenting their own case to the Committee.
  5. The hearing will be conducted in an informal manner and the technical rules of evidence do not apply.
  6. Witnesses will be present in a hearing only during the time they are testifying.
  7. The chair of the Committee will exercise control over the hearing to avoid repetition of information and/or to prevent the harassment or intimidation of participants. The hearing can be recessed at any time.
  8. Hearings are closed and confidential and are subject to FERPA regulations. All statements, information, or comments given during the hearings will be held in strictest confidence by the Academic Integrity Committee, college staff, witnesses and advisors before, during, and after deliberation.
  9. The Office of Academic Affairs will record the hearing and all recordings are the property of Newberry College. The charged student may request a duplicate copy of the recording at their own expense within a period of ninety (90) days of the hearing.