Academic Probation, Dismissal, and Graduation Requirements

Each semester students are expected to make satisfactory progress towards completing their degree. SAP is based on a students' grade point average (GPA), the pace at which a degree can be completed (completion rate), and the total amount of time allotted to complete a degree program.

Masters Degrees at Newberry College

Cumulative Attempted Hours Minimum Cumulative GPA
0-6 hours


7-10 hours 2.5
11-15 hours 2.5
16-30 hours 2.8
  • Graduate students must maintain a cumulative 2.8 GPA or higher to remain in good standing. A maximum of six credit hours with a grade of C or better is allowed toward completion of a master’s degree.
  • If a graduate student earns a C or F in a graduate course, they will be placed on academic probation. If a third C or second F is earned, the student will be suspended. Students who are suspended from graduate programs must reapply for graduate admission in the following term.
  • Graduate students must complete all 10 graduate courses and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 to graduate with a master’s degree.