
1. A student who wants to appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee must notify the Faculty Council in writing within five (5) business days of receiving notification of the Academic Integrity Committee outcome.

2. All academic and non-academic sanctions will remain in place until the appeals process is complete.

3. The student may appeal on any or all of the following grounds:

  • An error in the hearing procedure that will significantly impact the outcome or fairness of the hearing. A detailed description of the error and its impact must be provided
  • New evidence, not available at the time of the hearing, that will significantly impact the outcome of the hearing. Evidence and its impact must be provided.
  • The sanctions are inappropriate or too harsh in relation to the violation. A detailed explanation must be provided.

4. The appeal is not a new hearing and no one will be called to testify. Faculty Council is charged with reviewing the hearing materials and the written appeal and supporting documents. Faculty Council may reach one of the following decisions:

  • Affirm the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee in its entirety
  • Uphold the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee, but make changes to the sanctions
  • Overturn the decision of the Academic Integrity Committee and find no violation
  • Remand the case to the Academic Integrity Committee for additional proceedings and consideration of new evidence

5. The chair of the Faculty Council will notify relevant parties of the outcome in writing within five (5) business days of the decision.

6. All decisions made by the Faculty Council are final.