Course Numbers

A change in course numbering has been indicated in the Catalog by placing the new number followed by the old number in parentheses on the line above the course title, for example, EDU 232 (PSY 332). Students will not receive additional credit for such a course if the course is taken more than one time. In the example, students will not receive credit for both EDU 232 and PSY 332.

100-level courses introduce the basic content and fundamental methods of an academic discipline.
Whether designed for prospective majors, non-majors, or transient students, course content assumes that students have no prior exposure to the field of study. Although enrollment is unrestricted, freshmen and sophomores typically predominate.

200-level courses include broad surveys of the disciplinary tradition and careful elaborations of the principles underlying its subdivisions. Course content requires little experience in the areas and provides students with particular, intentional guidance. Enrollment often includes students from every classification.

300-level courses involve specialized treatment of narrow issues within the discipline or development of professional skills for its practice. Intended for students pursuing a major or minor, course content builds upon the knowledge and abilities acquired in earlier course work. Enrollment is comprised of juniors and seniors, but some sophomores with appropriate preparation may be admitted.

400-level courses include seminars, independent study courses, and experiential learning opportunities.
Course content demands significant amounts of self-directed research by students who are culminating a protracted pursuit of the discipline. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors in the field.

500-level courses are graduate level courses. Enrollment is restricted to students admitted to the graduate program.