General Provisions and Definitions

The Newberrian Creed (see page 5) is a code of honor that applies to all students of Newberry College and expects ethical behavior in all academic and social life. The Office of Academic Affairs is the academic arm of the College that investigates alleged academic violations of the Creed and sets policy regarding incidents involving academic integrity.

A “Student” is defined as any person who is admitted, enrolled or registered for study at Newberry College for any academic period. A person shall also be considered a student when the person is attending or participating in any activity preparatory to the beginning of school including, but not limited to, orientation, placement testing, and residence hall check-in.

An “Instructor of Record” is defined as the person officially responsible for the evaluation of academic performance in a course or educational program of the College.

Dean” is defined as the Dean of the College charged with overseeing the academic program.

The “Office of Academic Affairs” is responsible for considering all complaints of academic misconduct or allegations of anyone violating the Creed.

An “Academic Integrity Committee” is defined as the group of faculty and students who hear cases of alleged academic violations of the Newberrian Creed, and is composed of faculty members and students as designated by the Dean of the College. Faculty members and student members are appointed by the Dean of the College. This committee consists of three faculty members and two undergraduate students.

Faculty Council” is an elected body of faculty that will consider appeals cases decided by the Academic Integrity Committee when any party to the case formally appeals on grounds set forth in the College’s academic disciplinary procedures.

An “Academic Program” is defined as any undergraduate course, independent study or research for academic credit, internship, externship, clinical program, practicum, field placement, or other form of study or work offered in furtherance of the academic mission of the College. Academic work includes any work performed or assigned to be performed in connection with any academic program.

The Creed is intended to prohibit all forms of academic dishonesty and should therefore be interpreted broadly toward that end. The following examples illustrate conduct that violate this Creed, but this list is not intended to be an exhaustive compilation of conduct prohibited by the Creed:

  • Cheating, i.e., giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, or attempting to give or receive such assistance, in connection with the performance of any academic work.
  • Unauthorized use of materials or information of any type or the unauthorized use of any electronic or mechanical device in connection with the completion of any academic work.
  • Access to the contents of any test or examination or the purchase, sale, theft of any test or examination prior to its administration.
  • Plagiarism, i.e., use of another person’s work of ideas without proper acknowledgement of source or intentional omission of material fact, so as to mislead any person in connection with any academic work (including, without limitation, the scheduling, completion, performance, or performance in an academic program.

Whenever a student is uncertain as to whether conduct would violate the Creed, it is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification from the appropriate faculty member or instructor of record prior to engaging in such conduct.