Grading System

The grade-point average (GPA) is based on grade points earned at Newberry College and semester hours attempted (excluding courses with grades of “Withdrew Not Failing” (W), “ Withdrew Failing (WF), “Pass” (P), “Administrative Withdrawal" (AW), "Satisfactory” (S), “Incomplete” (I), “Unsatisfactory” (U), “No Credit” (NC), and “No Grade Reported” (NR), and excluding courses that may not be applied to the baccalaureate degree). Grades transferred from other institutions will not be used to compute the GPA.

For each semester hour attempted, grade points are awarded for the grades earned as follows:

Grade Grade Point Description
A 4.0 Excellent
B+ 3.5 Very good
B 3.0 Good
C+ 2.5 Above average
C 2.0 Average
D+ 1.5 Below average
D 1.0 Passing 
F or U 0.0 Failing 
P or S 0.0 Passing with the equivalent of a “C” grade or better
AW 0.0

Administrative Withdrawal

W 0.0 Withdrew; Not Failing
WF 0.0 Withdrew; Failing
I 0.0 Incomplete 
NC 0.0 No Credit Awarded 
NR 0.0 No Grade Reported by Instructor

The grade of Incomplete (i.e., “I”), is to be given to a student only in extenuating circumstances. Students receiving an Incomplete (“I”) have until Reading Day of the following semester to complete and fulfill the unmet requirements and replace the “I” with the letter grade earned; failure to do so will result in the “I” converting to an “F”. The grade-point average will be adjusted to include the grade awarded.

Semester grades are based on daily class or laboratory work, tests, and other work, and the final examination. Written examinations are required in all subjects at the end of each semester, except in certain laboratory or practical courses.

A complete report of all earned grades and credits will be made available to the student and/or other party officially designated by the student when all financial obligations are met. The end-of-term report is supplemented by an unofficial mid-semester grade report, available to students in wolf den. At mid-semester, instructors review and report the progress of their students, assigning them letter grades.