Hearing Decisions

1. When questioning is complete and all evidence has been presented, the Committee will deliberate in private. Decisions of the Committee must be by a majority vote.

2. The Academic Integrity Committee will consider only the information presented at the hearing and make a determination based on a preponderance of the evidence standard ("more likely than not"). There are two possible outcomes:

  • Responsible: The Academic Integrity Committee determined by a preponderance of the evidence that a violation occurred.
  • Not Responsible: The Academic Integrity Committee determined there was insufficient evidence to support the charge.

3. If the charged student is found responsible, before sanctions are decided, the Committee will be given information about the student's past infractions, provided by the Office of Academic Affairs. This information will be provided in the student's absence if they do not attend the hearing.

4. The student retains the right to appeal to the Faculty Council.

Notification of Outcome
The chair of the Academic Integrity Committee will forward the decision of the Committee to the Office of Academic Affairs' designee, who will in turn notify the student. Notification must include:

  • Findings of the Academic Integrity Committee
  • Sanction(s)
  • Statement regarding the right to appeal and the appeals process