Options and Resolution Procedures for Allegations of Violations of the Newberrian Creed

Students who have violated the Newberrian Creed are subject to both academic and non-academic penalties.

3.1 Outcomes of the initial meeting with the student. When the Dean (or designee), meets initially with a student regarding an allegation of a violation of the Creed, there are four possible outcomes of that meeting:

  • Student does not contest the allegation(s) or sanctions.
  • Student does not contest the allegation(s), but contests the sanctions. If a student only contests the sanctions of a Creed violation, please see section 3.2 for procedures for resolution.
  • Student contests allegations. If a student contests the allegation(s), please see section 3.2 for procedures for resolution.
  • Allegation is dismissed by the Dean.

3.2 Academic Integrity Committee Hearing  

A case can be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee for one of two reasons:

  • There is a material question of fact that cannot be resolved by the Dean of the College or his/her designee.
  • The charged student may appeal (see section 7). The charged student must be informed that sanctions can increase.

Within five (5) business days of the hearing, barring special circumstances requiring an extension of this time limit, the Academic Integrity Committee or designee will send the charged student a letter, via campus mailbox, which indicates the findings of “Responsible” or “Not Responsible” for the charges and any sanctions imposed.

NOTE: Should a charged student fail to appear for an Academic Integrity Committee Hearing, that student will be considered to have waived his/her right to represent themselves in the hearing and a decision will be made in their absence.

Composition of Academic Integrity Committee

4.1 The Dean of the College appoints three (3) faculty and two (2) students to comprise the Academic Integrity Committee. One of the three (3) serving faculty members shall serve as chair of the Committee and shall vote only in cases of a tie.

A quorum of the members of the Academic Integrity Committee is required for a judicial proceeding to take place and for the actions of that body to be authoritative and binding. A quorum of this body consists of a minimum of two (2) faculty and one (1) student.