Procedures for Resolving Allegations of Academic Dishonesty

Students who have violated the Newberrian Creed are subject to both academic and non-academic penalties.

Academic Resolution

  • If the instructor of record determines a student has been dishonest in their academic work, the instructor must complete the Academic Integrity Incident Report on Wolf Den and notify the student in writing within ten (10) days of discovery.
  • The student will meet with the instructor to discuss the alleged violation. Both the student and instructor are permitted to have a witness to the conversation present.
  • The conversation can result in two possible outcomes:
    • Student accepts responsibility for the violation: If the student accepts responsibility, the instructor's options include but are not limited to 1) a grade of "F" for the assignment on which the violation occurred, 2) a grade of "F" for the course [for a particularly egregious or repeat offense], 3) an additional reflection/learning, ungraded assignment that directly addresses the violation and in which the student admits responsibility, and/or 4) a reasonable penalty commensurate with the violation. The violation and resolution will be added to the student's academic record.
    • Student does not accept responsibility for the violation: If the student does not accept responsibility or fails to meet with the instructor, the instructor can assign a grade penalty. The instructor must provide evidence to support the allegation and the penalty. The violation and sanction will be added to the student's academic record and a letter noting the sanction will be sent to the student.
  • The student retains the right to appeal the allegations and/or sanctions through the Academic Integrity Committee. Accordingly, the student understands that the Academic Integrity Committee may impose more sanctions.

Non-Academic Resolution

  • If the student contests the alleged violation and/or the sanctions imposed by the instructor, the student will submit a written appeal to the Academic Integrity Committee within ten (10) days of receiving notification of the academic sanctions. See the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for possible non-academic sanctions, up to and including expulsion from Newberry College.
  • A non-academic resolution is imposed by the Academic Integrity Committee and can be in addition to the academic penalty given by the instructor.
  • The Academic Integrity Committee is composed of two (2) faculty members, two (2) students, and one (1) staff member.