
6.1 The scholastic evaluation of all academic work remains within the purview of the instructor of record. However, an instructor of record who issues an academic penalty when an informal administrative meeting or Academic Integrity Committee hearing issues a finding of “not responsible” should be aware that such penalty may be subject to the College grievance policy. All academic penalties are separate from non-academic sanctions, but may be taken into account.

6.2 The Academic Integrity Committee serves as the final authority for the imposition of sanctions for violations of the Creed. The following sanctions may be imposed upon a student found to have violated the Creed:

  • Expulsion from the College. Expulsion is permanent dismissal from the College and can only be imposed by the Academic Integrity Committee. The student must leave the college within 24 hours of notification of the final decision. An expelled student is not allowed on College property without prior approval of the Academic Dean (or Dean of Students). An expulsion is noted on the student’s official transcript and a copy of the letter stating the penalty will be forwarded to the student’s parents or legal guardians if a waiver has been signed. 
  • Suspension.  The student’s registration shall be terminated for a period of time specified by the Academic Integrity Committee. A suspended student may not attend classes, live in College housing facilities, eat in the cafeteria, be on College property, or attend College-related activities. A suspension is noted on the student’s official transcript and a copy of the letter stating the penalty will be forwarded to the student’s parents or legal guardians if a waiver has been signed. At the end of the suspension period, a student may reapply for admission to the Office of Admissions. The Academic Appeals Committee will act on the application and has the right to impose provisions on the student’s admission. Readmission is not guaranteed. If readmission occurs, the student will be informed by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Probation. A period of review and observation as specified by the Academic Dean, during which a student is under an official warning that subsequent violations of the Creed are likely to result in a more severe sanction including suspension or expulsion from the College. During this time, the student shall not represent the College as an official delegate, representative, athlete, or performer, and she/he may not hold any elected office or committee chairmanship in College groups of any kind. A copy of the letter stating the penalty will be forwarded to the student’s parents or legal guardians if a waiver has been signed. The letter of warning becomes a permanent record in the student’s Academic File.
  • A Letter of Warning (first offense only). A letter of warning indicates that any additional violations may result in immediate suspension from the College. A copy of the letter stating the penalty will be forwarded to the student’s parents or legal guardians if a waiver has been signed. The letter of warning becomes a permanent record in the student’s Academic File.
  • A combination of the above sanctions.
  • Any sanction deemed appropriate by the Committee, including educational sanctions.