Withdrawing from College

Students who withdraw from Newberry College before the end of a semester are required to complete a Withdrawal Form, found in Wolf Den.

Students who withdraw before the last day to officially withdraw from courses will receive the grade of W for each course. Students who receive permission from the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or her/his designee) to withdraw after the last day to officially withdraw from courses will be issued a grade of W or AW as determined by the instructor(s) of record for each course. Neither grade of W or AW affects GPA, though either grade may have academic and financial consequences.

Students with unresolved Academic Integrity or Code of Conduct violations cannot withdraw from the College until a final determination of the charges has been completed.

Failure to complete the appropriate forms for withdrawing from college will result in a grade of F on each enrolled course and may jeopardize re-admission to Newberry College, GPA standing, and transfer eligibility.

Charges for tuition, room, and board will not be refunded after sixteen class days of a semester. For further information regarding refund policies, refer to the College Expenses section of the catalog.