Education: Early Childhood Education



ECE 221: Children’s Literature

Credits 3

A survey of prose and verse representing a range of periods for children, with emphasis on teaching methods and curricular integration.

Semester Offered
Offered fall semester.

10 hours of clinical experience required.  $140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 240: Children, Families, Schools, and Communities

Credits 3

This course will assist candidates in building family, school, and community partnerships that support children's well-being and educational success. Candidates will explore theories and processes used to establish positive relations to include: diversity of families, professionalism and ethics, the NAEYC Code of Conduct, and advocating for young children.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

ECE 260: Art, Music, and Movement for Early Childhood

Credits 3

This course will focus on young children's creative expression through art, music, and movement. Candidates will develop strategies for using appropriate and open-ended instructional materials and providing intervention and support for exceptional children and multilingual students. Candidates will learn how to plan, implement, and evaluate art, music, and movement activities using developmentally appropriate growth and development guidelines.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

$140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 352: Instructional Practices for Literacy and Language Development in Children

Credits 3

A study of the content and process of the teaching of reading including phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency skills in grades PreK-3.


Admission into the Teacher Education Program.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

10 hours of clinical experience required. $140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 435: Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Science

Credits 3

A study of methods and materials for teaching science in the K-3 classroom. Emphasis is on course integration, promotion of positive attitudes toward teaching science, concept development, questioning techniques, inquiry-based learning, and multimedia teaching strategies for meeting individual and group needs.


Admission into the Teacher Education Program.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

10 hours of clinical field experience required. $140 Teacher Education program fee is charged.

ECE 436: Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Mathematics

Credits 3

A study of methods and materials for teaching mathematics in the K-3classroom. Emphasis is on National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, promotion of positive attitudes toward teaching mathematics, concept development, questioning techniques, constructivist approach to mathematics, and multimedia teaching strategies for meeting individual and group needs.


Admission into the Teacher Education Program.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

10 hours of clinical field experience required.  $140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 437: Teaching an Integrated Curriculum

Credits 3

This course emphasizes the use of content knowledge, best practices, and proven theories in an interdisciplinary approach to teaching language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health, and the arts in early childhood classroom. Candidates will demonstrate their ability to combine their knowledge to create an engaged, integrated curriculum to enhance a positive learning environment for children.


Admission into the Teacher Education Program.

Semester Offered
Offered spring semester.

$140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 438: Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Social Studies

Credits 3

This course provides teacher candidates with an in-depth study of methods and materials used for teaching social studies to primary students (PK-3). Emphasis will be on the use of a variety of instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of primary students in the areas of history, geography, economics, political science, and social studies.


Admission into the Teacher Education Program.

Semester Offered
Offered fall semester.

4 hours of clinical field experience. $140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.

ECE 457: Assessment: Reading Diagnosis and Remediation

Credits 3

A study of the diagnostic-prescriptive approach to the teaching of reading (grades PreK-3). Special emphasis is placed on understanding and utilizing various diagnostic instruments and implementing remedial techniques.


Admission to the Teacher Education Program, Successful completion of ECE 352 with a C or better.

Semester Offered
Offered fall semester.

10 hours of clinical field experience required.  $140 Teacher Education Program fee is charged.