
Program Learning Outcomes


HON 101: The Liberal-Arts Tradition

Class Program
Credits 4

This semester is a historically based immersion in literary, philosophical, religious and artistic expressions of various aspects of the Liberal-Arts Tradition and our understandings of community. Participating faculty will provide an orientation to particular disciplines involved in this semester’s study. Specific themes may vary from year to year. Each student will be expected to engage in civic engagement as part of course requirements. 


acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

Semester Offered
Offered fall semester.

HON 102: Inquiry

Class Program
Credits 3

Building from the study of the first semester, students will engage in research and explore areas of interest. Specific themes may vary year to year.


acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

HON 201: The Scientific Endeavor and Society

Class Program
Credits 4

An examination of the scientific approach to understanding the natural world and humanity’s place in it. What is the Scientific Method, how did it emerge, and in what way(s) has science produced and been produced by people and communities?


acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

HON 202: Technology and Ethics

Class Program
Credits 3
An examination on technology’s role within society. Topics include genetic engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and the ethical, legal, economic, military, and political ramifications of emerging technologies.
acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

HON 301: The Past as Prologue

Class Program
Credits 3

An examination of issues, movements, and questions that have shaped humanity and our understandings of community. The course will focus around broad themes that may vary year to year (e.g. immigration, disease, the social contract).


acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

HON 302: Culture and Society

Class Program
Credits 3

An examination between the values, traditions, and institutions that support and define 21st century society. As we shape our future in all arenas (e.g., social, economic, political, religious), what questions must we ask, what values must we act upon, what road must we take? What are the possibilities for the future based on our study of the continuities and changes evident in the human story? Particular themes may vary from year to year.

Core Tags

acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program or instructor approval

HON 400: Capstone I

Class Program
Credits 3

This capstone experience allows students to pursue areas of scholarly or artistic interest by engaging in the design, implementation, and craftsmanship of authentic research or performance projects. Students will showcase their projects during an Honors Day event.


Acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program; prior to registration, students must submit an academic proposal for a student-generated scholarly research project or a performance-based piece. Upon acceptance of said proposal, students must secure a primary faculty member who will, along with the Summerland Honors Director and one additional Honors Faculty member, oversee the student’s progress.

HON 402: Capstone II

Class Program
Credits 3
This capstone experience allows students to design and implement a civic engagement project within the larger community. Students will showcase the results of their projects during an Honors Day event.
Acceptance to the Summerland Honors Program; prior to registration, students must submit an academic proposal for a student-generated civic engagement project. Upon acceptance of said proposal, students must secure a primary faculty member who will, along with the Summerland Honors Director and one additional Honors Faculty member, oversee the student’s progress.
*Summerland Honors students will also complete one HON IDS course and three additional HON approved courses (CE, ET, IDS, MAY, QL, or SB) offered in programs across the College.