2024-2025 Addendum
This addendum contains important updates to the 2024-2025 Newberry College Academic Catalog.
Use this addendum in conjunction with the main catalog, as all previously established policies and procedures remain in effect and unchanged.
Updated to reflect exceptions for ACT/SAT requirements
An update to the Newberry College institutional scholarship policy
Updated admission policy for Home School students
On March 10, 2025, the Core Committee voted to approve BUA 472 as a Writing Intensive (WI)-tagged course in the online Business Administration program.
This course counts as a WI tag only for transfer students who receive transfer credit for ENG 113.
Certificate in Organizational Development and Cooperative Leadership - This master's level certificate program is designed to equip Cooperative employees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences to excel in leadership. The certificate, for select SC Electric Cooperative employees only, will consist of five core courses from Newberry's Master of Science in Organizational Development and Leadership (MSODL) graduate program. This program will be structured as a part-time offering and each course will take 8 weeks to complete through Newberry's online platform. Occasional synchronous virtual classes and in-person instruction will also be incorporated. Students will complete a mini-capstone project to be presented to a group of Cooperative employees or board. Upon successful completion of the certificate program, students can then choose to apply to participate in Newberry's full master's program in organizational development and leadership. These five courses will count towards the full master's degree.
Certificate in Sport Management - The certificate in Sport Management consists of 12 credit hours, or 4 courses, from the Master of Science in Sport Management and Leadership offered by Newberry College. This program is structured as a part-time offering and each course will take 8 weeks to complete. Students can use these credits to count toward the full Master of Science in Sport Management and Leadership degree, which will require an additional 18 credit hours.
SML 510 - Critical Issues in Sport Management & Leadership: (3) Sport management is the convergence of business, sport performance, and regulatory compliance. This course will explore emergent challenges across people, policy, and process of sport. Students will examine contemporary situations that involve a sport or sport related organization and consider the implications across the individual, group, and marketplace impact.
SML 520: The Business of Sport: (3) Sport is a multi-billion-dollar industry with complex interdependencies of businesses and regulatory agencies. This course will examine fundamental business structure, operations and risk management. This course will also explore economic climate and policy economic issues raised by the rapid changes in the modern sports world. Students will explore sport organization management and leadership challenges across domestic and international contexts.
SML 521- Finance for Leaders (3) Focuses on economic and financial principles required to operate a business. Principles are applied to quantitatively analyze financial statements. Also, managerial decision-making applications will be presented from the point of view of a firm (microeconomics).
SML 522 - Sport Marketing and Public Relations: (3) This course will immerse students in the world of sports marketing and public relations by highlighting issues, controversies, topics, trends, and opportunities within the sports industry. The course will take a detailed look at all elements from sports marketing to public relations and will include concepts such as newspaper, radio, television, agency, the internet, colleges, provincial, municipal, international sport, and professional sports.
For students wishing to continue with their Master of Science in Sport Management and Leadership, they can enroll in the Graduate program and complete 18 additional credits.